Fine joined renowned makeup artists Fran Cooper and Kevyn Aucoin in 1991 as an assistant. He worked on photo shoots and fashion shows, which put him in touch with prominent designers, photographers, and other members of the fashion industry. Sam was hired for his first makeup job in 1993 to work with actress Jackee Harry on the cover of Essence magazine. His work appeared on the covers of additional magazines during the ensuing years, including Cosmopolitan, Harper’s Bazaar, Vibe, and Marie Claire. In his book Fine Beauty: Beauty Basics and Beyond for African-American Women, published in 1998, Fine condensed his knowledge of how to make African-American women beautiful.The book features makeup tips tailored for the range of African-American skin tones, and photos of the effects of those techniques on famous performers and models.
Understanding that each person is unique and that each of our individual differences has a role in society is the idea of diversity. As our society develops, we are recognizing the value of uniting people of various racial backgrounds, ethnicities, religious beliefs, and genders. It offers us the chance to venture beyond our comfort zones, advance our education, and develop a sense of overall personal growth. Consumers have specific wants and needs. Their incomes vary from high to middle or low. Consumers are given choices of thousands of products, from luxury items to necessities. They have many traditions and tastes, ranging from ethnic to generic products. Consumers affect production decisions every day.
Expression and originality are key components of marketing. Understanding the complexities of human behavior and figuring out how to establish an emotional connection with the customer are the foundations of marketing as an art form. Many people consider marketing to be an art form and believe that skilled marketers who recognize the importance of creativity are essential for a successful campaign.
Fashion, F. (2022, February 10). The Sam Fine Signature "fine face". Retrieved September 25, 2022, from